Date of Completion


Embargo Period



Effective Porosity, Total Porosity, Compressive Strength, High Performance Pervious Concrete, Durability

Major Advisor

Kay Wille

Associate Advisor

Arash Zaghi

Associate Advisor

Michael Accorsi

Field of Study

Civil Engineering


Doctor of Philosophy

Open Access

Campus Access


The objective of this research is to develop a high performance pervious concrete characterized by high compressive strength, acceptable hydraulic conductivity and good durability. In this research 27 series of pervious concrete were mixed and experimentally tested in their porosity and compressive strength using matrix strength ranging from 29 MPa to 174 MPa, aggregate to binder ratios from 2.5 to 3.5 and size of aggregates from 1.2 mm to 4.8 mm. A systematic analysis has been carried to out to quantify the influence of matrix strength, amount of binder and size of aggregates on the compressive strength. An extended equation is proposed to better predict the compressive strength. Further investigations have been carried out to predict the stress versus strain behavior under uniaxial compression based on the pore system characteristics. Linear path function, tailored to pervious concrete, was used to extract pore system characteristics such as pore size distribution. A micro structural model was proposed and validated by experimental data to predict the stress-strain relationship under uniaxial compression. This is useful for design purposes and will facilitate the implementation of this material. Additionally, 16 series of pervious concrete beams were proportioned and tested for their freeze-thaw durability. The influence of amount of binder, aggregate size and deicing agent was investigated. The results show that pervious concrete with advanced durability properties and enhanced strength can successful be designed.
