Date of Completion


Embargo Period


Major Advisor

Dr. Casey Cobb

Associate Advisor

Dr. Sarah Woulfin

Associate Advisor

Dr. Jae-eun Joo

Field of Study

Educational Leadership (Ed.D.)


Doctor of Education

Open Access

Open Access


There is no doubt that our society, spurred on by ubiquitous and affordable technology, is more connected now than ever before. As educational leaders, it is evident that our educators need strong support as new and current teachers will live and work in a drastically different learning environment which demands they blend together the best technology-based resources with engaging pedagogical strategies both online as well as in face-to-face settings (Archambault & Kennedy, 2014). The focus of this research is on how teachers personalize student learning in a blended flex model while servicing urban students in a high school virtual academy. This qualitative case study methodology uses the Community of Inquiry (COI) theory as a conceptual framework exploring (a) teacher pedagogical choices for personalizing student learning, (b) evidence of transformative teacher role changes, and (c) how teacher teams manage any emergent human capital needs. Data collection uses the Seidman (2006) three-part semi-structured interview series, multiple learning center and workshop observations, and extensive journal documentation. Findings include teachers as coaches and interventionists personalizing lessons in Edgenuity, a commercial course delivery system. Teachers collaborate to design, facilitate, and direct a social presence setting climate in their student advisories, a teaching presence in workshop interventions and learning center supports, and a cognitive presence using real-time student data supplementing and enhancing Edgenuity lessons. Conclusions indicate teacher pre-service experience as woefully inadequate for their work in a flex model. Additionally, teachers want better understanding of real time data analytics as relates to intervention and or lesson design. Teachers identified spending more time on front-end preparation, enhancing or supplementing personalized lessons around Edgenuity. Policy recommendations for departments of education include (a) clinical teacher preparation programs in personalized pedagogical innovation zones of practice, (b) funding to continue professional development in high school personalized innovation zones, (c) autonomy for high schools in credit versus competency transitions, (d) training programs offering micro-credentialing for blended learning master teachers, (e) digital leadership competency-based training for school leaders in personalized clinical settings using growth model evaluation tools.
