
Two Connecticut school districts' implementation of the No Child Left Behind Highly Qualified Teacher (HQT) mandated policy

Date of Completion

January 2009


Education, Leadership|Education, Policy|Education, Administration




The purpose of this study was to examine the challenge faced by two Connecticut school districts when implementing the mandated requirements as imposed by the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Highly Qualified Teacher (HQT) policy. Central office and building administrators' perceptions were examined to learn more about their actions when implementing HQT and also, other mandated policy. ^ This study used a qualitative case study methodology. The case study focused on an event, the implementation of the HQT policy, which occurred primarily between May 2005 and June 2006. The two Connecticut school districts were selected using a purposeful sample approach. The primary data collection method was interviews. Because of the sensitive nature of data collected, pseudo-names were assigned to the school districts and individuals who participated. A with-in site and multiple case analyses were conducted.^ The investigation was informed by a conceptual frame grounded in the relationship between capacity building, transaction economics theory, shared cognitive meaning and cultural construction, hortatory (political) power exchanges, and policy implementation instruments. The results revealed several policy actions administrators took when implementing HQT and other mandated policy. Administrators primarily employed the act of ethical opportunism in which the HQT mandate was implemented undermining its intent, yet was done for a “greater” cause other than one's personal gain.^