Date of Completion

Spring 4-29-2016

Thesis Advisor(s)

Christopher Elphick

Honors Major

Environmental Science


Biology | Life Sciences


Very few studies have been conducted that examine litter pollution in terrestrial habitats. Most pollution studies are directed toward marine environments. This study looks at the relationship between litter found in thirteen different suburban parks in Rockland County, NY and three separate socio-economic factors of the areas in which each of the parks are found. Using linear multiple regression models, the abundance of litter found in each park was compared to (a) the median income of the people in that specific area, (b) the median home value and (c) the number of environmental programs offered in that area. Results showed that median income of people in a town is the best predictor of the total amount of litter found in parks within that same town. Using this model, local municipalities can examine where to focus clean up and educational efforts in order to lower pollution within the necessary areas.

Included in

Biology Commons
